NBF 2024

Europe's Largest Business & Leadership Conference

25-26 September 2024, Messukeskus Helsinki (Expo and Convention Centre)

Discover the themes, the speakers, and book your tickets today!

Free Upcoming Webinar With Will Guidara

How To Build A Brand Centered On Unreasonable Hospitality

Making good products is no longer enough, and serving efficiently is no longer enough – now, it’s how you make the people you work with, and those you serve feel that matters most of all.

In this talk, Will Guidara will share why he believes our world is on the precipice of becoming a hospitality economy and how every business can choose to be in the business of hospitality by transforming ordinary transactions into extraordinary experiences.


Recruiting is a high-value task, but not an easy one. This PDF was born through Hans-Peter Siefen’s idea to collect the best recruitment interview questions from experienced C-suiters.

This summary includes the favorite recruitment questions from leaders and entrepreneurs such as Sanna Suvanto-Harsaae, Risto Siilasmaa, Mikko Kuitunen, and Christina Dahlblom.

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Leader’s Digest | June 2024

Welcome to the June 2024 edition of the Leader’s Digest, your monthly compass for navigating the world of business leadership. In this summer issue, we’ll dive into our favorite topic: leadership. Contents A Pile of Summer Reading Recommendations A List

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Kim Scott Interview for Nordic Business Forum 2024

Embracing Respect and Candor with Kim Scott

We recently had the pleasure of interviewing Kim Scott, CEO coach and renowned author of Radical Candor and Radical Respect, to gain insights into creating a culture that fosters continuous learning and development. Kim shared her profound knowledge of respect,

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NBF 2024 ticket prices go up on 22 March

Ticket Prices for NBF 2024 Go Up Soon!

Nordic Business Forum 2024 isn’t just an event; it’s an extraordinary experience designed for over 6,500 C-level executives and business owners attending in person, and an additional 25,000 participants joining via livestream. With Courageous Leadership as our guiding theme, on

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Trouble in paradise?

You can’t be too rich or too thin – but when it comes to workplace happiness, enough just may be enough. Employees being the most important asset is old news. Engagement programs and Happiest Workplace contests have become rules rather

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Last Month Today

Last Month Today November 2023 in review

New research challenges traditional views on work-life balance and employee engagement The claims of offering work-life balance and the quest for peak employee engagement have long been at the forefront of organizational strategies. However, despite decades of efforts and substantial

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Bigger shoes to fill

While stepping into a senior role in an organization might initially feel like stepping onto a podium in the Olympics, the truth lies a lot deeper than that. Assuming the position of a leader is not a reward, it is

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