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Free Upcoming Webinar With Peter Hinssen

How to Leverage the Power of AI

In an era where artificial intelligence has become a cornerstone for innovation, business leaders need to excel in the rapidly evolving technological landscape. What strategies can drive transformation, sustain growth, and secure a competitive edge in the age of AI?

Peter Hinssen is a world-renowned author and leader in radical innovation. Known for his ability to look ahead, this webinar will cover practical applications of AI for business leaders.

Peter Hinssen

Past Webinars

Recordings and Written Summaries of Our Previous Webinars

How to Be More Productive in the New Year

In a webinar organized with Oslo Business Forum and Deloitte Norway, Professor Morten Hansen explored the world of productivity and personal effectiveness, seeking to answer the question: “How can we be more productive in the New Year?” In this summary,

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