
Nordic Business Report’s Distribution Expands to Latvia

The fourth annual print edition of Nordic Business Report magazine will be published in August 2015. The circulation of the magazine covers Finland, Estonia, Russia and now also Latvia.

In Finland, the magazine is delivered as a special issue together with Kauppalehti Optio, in Russia together with Business Petersburg, in Estonia together with Äripäev and in Latvia together with Kapitals.

The additional distribution in Latvia increases the circulation of the magazine up to 91,400 (Finland 57,400, Russia 10,000, Estonia 12,000 and Latvia 12,000). The magazine will be also delivered to all 5,500 attendees of Nordic Business Forum 2015 in Finland and internationally, which makes the total circulation 96,900. In addition to the print edition, the magazine will be available online.

The upcoming magazine features a ranking of the Top 20 Women in Business in Northern Europe, insightful articles on Disruption and Strategy, and exclusive interviews with Arianna Huffington, Garry Kasparov, Guy Kawasaki, Simon Sinek, and Steve Blank.

More information on the magazine here »


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