News Nordic Business Forum 2013 Past Events

The first sponsors of Nordic Business Forum 2013 have been published

First nine sponsors of the Nordic Business Forum 2013 seminar are NordeaWorld VisionThe Avance MBA management training programme of the Jyväskylä University School of Economics, Novetos OyDHL ExpressSemio OyTrainers’ HouseSonera and with a joint partnership in cooperation The Jyväskylä area’s development company Jykes OyJykes Kiinteistöt Oy & The City of Jyväskylä. Nordea, World Vision, Avance and Novetos  are the main partners in cooperation.

Nordic Business Forum Oy is very happy and grateful to have these sponsors and also the rest that are going to be published soon. The rest of sponsors of the Nordic Business Forum 2013 seminar will be released in January 2013.


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