News Nordic Business Forum 2016 Past Events

NBForum 2016 Expanding Capacity to 5,700

In 2016, Nordic Business Forum will be hosting 5,700 attendees, which is 200 more than initially anticipated, thanks to a new floor plan.

NBForum 2016 was published a bit over three weeks ago and with already Seating Section 1 fully booked, the event is getting close to being sold out entirely. The original capacity of the venue was 5,500 seats, but luckily a new kind of floor plan made it possible to fit in 200 extra seats in Seating Section 2.

“Increasing the capacity is always something which requires careful consideration. Based on our experience three weeks ago at Nordic Business Forum 2015, we together with the Exhibition Centre found a good way to add 200 seats in Seating Section 2. This is not a big increase, but still an important one,” says Nordic Business Forum CEO Hans-Peter Siefen.


New floor plan

The 2016 forum will be held October 6 – 7, 2016 at the Exhibition & Convention Center in Helsinki, Finland. Besides joining the event in Helsinki, people can purchase a live stream license and follow the event remotely.

“Luckily there are no limits how many can follow the live stream. We are aiming at 15,000 live stream viewers in 2016,” continues Hans-Peter.

The main theme of the forum is Advantage and all presentations and discussions are wrapped around the three sub-themes: Marketing, Digitalization, and Culture. The speakers addressing these topics on stage are:

  • Scott Galloway, Professor Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business and Founder of L2
  • Ed Catmull, Co-Founder of Pixar
  • Dick Costolo, Former CEO of Twitter (2010-2015)
  • Seth Godin, Author, entrepreneur, and marketer
  • Amy Chua, Professor at the Yale Law School
  • Des Traynor, Irish entrepreneur, and strategist, Co-Founder of Intercom
  • Gary Vaynerchuk, Co-Founder & CEO, VaynerMedia
  • Vineet Nayar, Business executive, author, and philanthropist
  • Jessica Jackley, Entrepreneur and investor and the founder of KIVA
  • Peter Diamandis, Chairman & CEO of XPRIZE
  • Tony Hawk, Skateboarding World Champion for 12 years in a row

Read more and register »

Nordic Business Forum is an annually held business seminar, which gathers the world’s most remarkable business minds and future business leaders together for two days full of ideas, tools and networks. The forum is organized by Nordic Business Forum Ltd. The 2016 forum will be the 7th Nordic Business Forum.


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