News Nordic Business Forum 2013 Past Events

Online Post-seminar for Nordic Business Forum 2013 Guests

NBF2013-esite-A4-WEB-ENGkopioThis year we offer our NBForum 2013 guests an arena for discussion and sharing ideas on the topics of the seminar in a 4-week free of charge online post-seminar in November 2013. Each week’s session consists of a video from Nordic Business Forum 2013 and an intensive online discussion session in small groups. The weekly themes are

  • Week 1: Self-Leadership
  • Week 2: Innovation Leadership
  • Week 3: Sales Leadership
  • Week 4: Coaching Leadership

The sessions are led by Intotalo business coaches and experts of online motivation Makke Leppänen, Timo Hyväri and Ollis Leppänen. There are altogether four different groups, three in Finnish and one in English. Each group has four 2-hour meetings the same weekday and time every week. Participation is required in each four meetings.

  • Group 1 (FIN): Mondays at 3 pm (November 4, 11, 18 & 25)
  • Group 2 (FIN): Mondays at 6 pm (November 4, 11, 18 & 25)
  • Group 3 (FIN): Tuesdays at 3 pm (November 5, 12, 19 & 26)
  • Group 4 (ENG): Tuesdays at 6 pm (November 5, 12, 19 & 26)

In order to participate, you need a laptop, computer or tablet with an internet connection and most importantly willingness to share your ideas and experiences with other NBF guests. All the participants will receive a link to the online post-seminar and instructions how to participate later in October.

Sign up for the online post-seminar at Please let us know which group you would like to participate. The number of participants is limited.


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