Leadership Nordic Business Forum 2023

Behind the Keynotes IV – Coping with Uncertainty

In a world marked by profound uncertainty, leaders are facing unprecedented challenges. In the fourth episode of Behind the Keynotes, the Nordic Business Forum 2023 speakers share their views on what resilience means to them, how to develop it, and how leaders can prepare for the future. Watch the video below or scroll a bit further to read the summary of the main insights!

Tools for Resilience

Futurist Amy Webb set the stage by acknowledging the level of uncertainty in today’s world. “This is the most complex operating environment I’ve seen in 20 years,” she pointed out. Amy encouraged leaders to prepare for any and every future scenario rather than try to predict what will happen. By combining present signals with long-term trends, you can be prepared for anything that comes next, and foster resilience in the face of uncertainty.

Professor Sheena Iyengar addressed anxiety as a significant challenge and advocated for teaching resilience through information handling tools and maintaining calmness. She advised leaders to be proactive in choosing what to pay attention to, fostering a balanced and calm approach to decision-making.

The Resilient Leader

Sustainability consultant Maryna Saprykina stressed the vital role of resilience in leaders. To navigate challenges, leaders must first be resilient themselves. She emphasized the necessity of finding tools that provide strength, acknowledging that the resilience of the team starts with the leader.

Professor Rebecca Henderson also emphasized the importance of personal resilience in leaders. Beyond the professional realm, leaders were urged to prioritize self-care by getting enough sleep, exercising, and finding moments of joy. Taking time for oneself fosters a healthy mindset, which is essential for developing resilience. The ideal leader, according to Henderson, has a blend of strategic focus and a deep connection to people, projects, and shared meaning.

Agility in a Changing World

AI expert Mo Gawdat challenged the traditional emphasis on grit and resilience, asserting that agility is the key quality needed in today’s rapidly changing world. Leaders must observe and respond to changes actively, rather than waiting to be resilient in the face of disruption.

Mo Gawdat urged leaders to initiate vital conversations about a universal basic income, taxation structures for AI, and placing humanity at the forefront of capitalism. Proactive discussions are essential for addressing the societal and economic shifts brought about by technological advancements.

The Nordic Business Forum 2023 speakers provided a roadmap for leaders navigating deep uncertainty. From personal resilience and self-care to fostering agility, these insights offer valuable guidance for leaders seeking to thrive amid the complexities of today’s world.

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