
6 + 2 Book recommendations from customers

Is there anything better than relaxing with a box of chocolate and a good book? Many of us look forward to kicking back and relaxing with some good reads over the holidays. This year we wanted to get some recommendations from our customers and share them with you. See if you will find your next favorite read from our list of recommendations.

PS. for our Finnish audience, there are two bonuses at the end of the list!

6 Book Recommendations by Our Customers

Let’s start with the non-fiction suggestions for those of us eager to keep learning.

Daniel Kahneman – Thinking Fast and Slow

We all know the brain is a complex organ, but did you also know it’s very lazy? If the processes behind thinking and decision-making interest you, this is the book for you. This best seller written by Daniel Kahneman, a psychologist, economist and a Nobel prize winner, is guaranteed to leave you in awe.

“Not a light read and challenges your thinking from many directions. Kahneman describes in very concrete ways how a person’s conclusions are built on a two-level thought process based on intuition and facts. In leadership, the birth process of conclusions is in a key position; you have to be able to feed your intuition and rationale in equal portions.”

Mikko Kuitunen, Chair of the Board, Vincit

Daniel Pink – The Power of Regret

Is regret our most undervalued emotion? This book by a previous NBF speaker debunks the myth of “no regrets” by drawing on broad research in different fields. Pink also completed some of his own research by collecting stories of regret from 15,000 people from all over the world. He argues that regrets offer valuable insight and can guide us toward a better path.

“The viewpoint is not to dwell on past mistakes, but quite the opposite. The framework built from the research helps to construe the reverse side, which contains the elements of a pleasing and happy life. Once again, thought-provoking work by Daniel Pink.”

Pasi Aaltola, Director of EMBA education, Jyväskylä University

Heidi Gardner – Smart Collaboration

How to collaborate and why? Heidi Gardner, a former McKinsey consultant and Harvard professor, argues that not all collaboration is smart. Her book offers prescriptions on how to foster collaboration in a way that is not only smart, but also effective and profitable.

“In an international law firm, it is easy to get lost in individual targets, billable hours, and invoiced revenue. Heidi helps to pull you out of this trap and invites you to identify people and teams focused on collaboration and notice their high impact on the bottom line.”

Carri Ginter, Partner, Sorainen Law Firm

Marcus Buckingham – Love + Work

In a society focused on conforming rather than exploring what excited and motivates us, it’s not an easy task to find the work you thrive and excel in. In his uplifting book, Marcus Buckingham shows his readers how to find out what you love and inspire others to do so.

“The book discusses the meaning of personal-level motivational factors in job satisfaction and productivity. The most important message is that we should see people’s differences in a curious and positive light, instead of trying to push everyone into the same mold.”

Mikko Kuitunen, Chair of the Board, Vincit

Jeffrey Pfeffer – 7 Rules of Power

While the concept of power may hold negative connotations, it can also be used for good. Power can also be a tool for creating positive change on a personal and societal level. By outlining the 7 rules of power, Pfeffer shows how to harness power to increase your productivity and job performance.

“The viewpoint is provocative, but influential. Pfeffer challenges the many of today’s ideas on leadership and current paradigms. He summarizes the message into seven rules which, according to himself and the research he refers to, underlie productivity and career progression. Definitely a thought-provoking read!”

Pasi Aaltola, Director of EMBA education, Jyväskylä University

And for those of us who want to immerse ourselves in a different world:

Delia Owens – Where the Crawdads Sing

The debut by Delia Owens has already sold 15 million copies after its release in 2018. The not-so-typical murder mystery novel has been described as an ode to nature and a tale of loneliness and resilience.

“A book about how you don’t have to live based on rules set by others. A masterpiece, which you can interpret on many levels. Very current now because the movie just came out, but I recommend reading the book first.”

Timo Metsola, CEO of Vuokraturva Oy


And finally, two Finnish biographies for those who love reading interesting life stories. Unfortunately, these have not been translated into English just yet.

Juha Hernesniemi – Aivokirurgin muistelmat

Maailmankuulun suomalaisen neurokirurgin huikea elämäntarina.

“Lähes 500-sivuinen kirja on erittäin mukaansa tempaava ja kertoo Juha Hernesniemen poikkeuksellisesta kunnianhimosta, sisäisestä palosta ja halusta kehittyä yhä paremmaksi omassa ammatissaan maailman huipulle. Juha Hernesniemi käy kirjassa läpi 50-vuotisen uransa huippuhetkiä, mutta myös pohjakosketuksia. On hämmästyttävää lukea kirjaa, jossa hän muistaa vuosikymmenten takaa kovin yksityiskohtaisesti potilastapauksia ja heidän kohtaamisiaan. Hänen tapansa sanoittaa on aitoa, konstailematonta ja rehellistä puhetta.”

Minna Sillanpää, viestintäjohtaja, Oma Säästöpankki Oyj.

Olavi Lempinen – Rautaesiripun takana

Neuvostoliiton vankileirejä sekä miehitetyn Viron ankaraa elämää kuvaileva teos. Päähenkilönä kersantti Veikko Piiparinen, joka pidätettiin kaksi ja puoli vuotta jatkosodan päättymisen jälkeen ja luovutettiin Neuvostoliittoon.

“Erittäin mielenkiintoinen elämänkerta. ”

Aku Sorainen, Senior Partner at Sorainen Law Firm


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